happening peoplearchive

Hilary Anthony

In 1982, only two months after arriving in Eugene with a couple of friends from Florida, Hilary Anthony got a pass to her first Oregon Country Fair. "I was buying produce for Growers Market," she recalls. "They sent me to a meeting and I ended up coordinating a booth on local self-reliance in Community Village." An avid juggler, Anthony organized juggling workshops and demos in Community Village for the following 10 years. But work in Eugene was hard to find, so for two years she went back to school in Florida (returning for the fair in July) to get a degree in accounting. In the early 90s, she agreed to serve as treasurer for the OCF, a job she still shares with Steve Gorham. "He organizes the budgets and I do the financial reporting," she explains. Anthony also coordinates Chela Mela Meadow, since 1997 a center for kids' activities and such participatory venues as the Dharma Garden for Yoga practice and the Yes You Canopy for jugglers. "I love the fair. It's my major volunteer activity," she says. "The friendships are rewarding and the shared vision of community feels healthy and positive to me."

happening people

photograph and story by Paul Neevel

Eugene Weekly / 10 July 2008

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